The Bloom Method. Step by step guide to find your Creative Voice.

¡Hola amigos!

We all have a vision that makes our work unique and this is what eventually becomes our identity mark and makes our art recognizable. This genuine way of presenting our creations is the Creative Voice.

It took me, at least, 4 years of testing to get to the point where I felt I was in tune with my visual language 100%. Finding your Creative Voice is a thrilling journey that demands ample self-exploration and experimentation.

At Rocio Egio School, aiding other amigos in finding their distinct and special Voices has turned into a paramount mission. In the Creative Voice Masterclass, I'm sharing the method that guided me in uncovering my voice, with the intention of assisting you in the adventure of discovering and nurturing your own unique visual identity. 

Here's a sneak peek of what we delve into during the class.

THE BLOOM METHOD consists of 5 steps that we should repeat and work on at least once a year. In these steps, we turn our work, style, references, and ideas upside down to find order, coherence, and identity in our Creative Voice. Each of the steps is accompanied by tools and practices to make the process dynamic and hands-on.

1. BECOME INTROSPECTIVE. Dive into self-discovery.

This is the starting point to unleash our voice. We're going to ask ourselves many personal questions, and we can even ask friends and family for help. Then we’ll build a map with the answers building our intangible voice.

2. LAY FOUNDATIONS. From the ethereal to the tangible.

After introspection, we need to interpret, draw conclusions, and do a bit of filtering. This step will help us cement the groundwork of our Creative Voice while broadly delineating our Style, Tone, and Topic.

3. ONTO MODELING. Learning from the masters.

It's often said that to produce exceptional work, you should look up to those who've already excelled. In this phase, we'll seek out for our influences, learn the difference between copying and modeling, and start defining in more detail our Creative Voice and its Style, Tone, and Topic.

4. ONTO TESTING. Test, fail, learn and repeat.

Time to get your hands dirty! This is where we explore our Creative Voices. We'll test numerous techniques, falling for some, faltering with others, making choices, recording the lessons, and restarting when we hit a roadblock.

5. MASTER IT. Fake it until you make it!

We need to convey with confidence and assurance, even if we actually lack experience or still feel lost with our Creative Voice. Acting confidently and securely will help us gain knowledge, so let's embody the attitude and project it onto our portfolio and communication channels until we genuinely develop and achieve our Creative Voice.

For anyone eager to join the BLOOM YOUR CREATIVE VOICE journey, you can enroll in my live online masterclass, which takes place once a month. Find all the details right here: Creative Voice Masterclass

Thanks for reading and have a joyful day amigo!

An illustration of flowers on a green background, accompanied by the text "bloom your creative voice".
Creative Voice Masterclass / Pre-recorded edition
One time
For 2 months

We all have a vision that makes our art unique, the Personal brand. This is what eventually becomes our identity mark, our competitive advantage and makes our work recognizable. With this masterclass you will learn the Bloom method that will help you in your process of identifying and nurturing your own and particular visual language — your genuine Creative Voice.

✓ Access to the recording of the Masterclass
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